flame_utils.io package


flame_utils.io.lattice module

FLAME lattice operations.

flame_utils.io.lattice.generate_latfile(machine, latfile=None, state=None, original=None, out=None, start=None, end=None)[source]

Generate lattice file for the usage of FLAME code.

machine :

FLAME machine object.

latfile :

File name for generated lattice file.

original :

File name for original lattice file to keep user comments and indents. (optional)

state :

BeamState object, accept FLAME internal State object also. (optional)

out :

New stream paramter, file stream. (optional)

start :

Start element (id or name) of generated lattice. (optional)

end :

End element (id or name) of generated lattice. (optional)


None if failed to generate lattice file, or the out file name.


  • If latfile and out are not defined, will print all output to screen;

  • If latfile and out are all defined, out stream is preferred;

  • For other cases, choose one that is defined.

  • If start is defined, user should define state also.

  • If user define start only, the initial beam state is the same as the machine.

  • Parameter out can also be StringIO, and get string by getvalue().

  • To get element configuration only by m.conf(i) method, where m is flame.Machine object, i is element index, when some re-configuring operation is done, m.conf(i) will be update, but m.conf()["elements"] remains with the initial values.


>>> from flame import Machine
>>> latfile = 'test.lat'
>>> m = Machine(open(latfile))
>>> outfile1 = generate_latfile(m, latfile='out1.lat')
>>> m.reconfigure(80, {'theta_x': 0.1})
>>> outfile2 = generate_latfile(m, latfile='out2.lat')
>>> # recommand new way
>>> fout = open('out.lat', 'w')
>>> generate_latfile(m, out=fout)

flame_utils.io.output module

Output from FLAME.

flame_utils.io.output.convert_results(res, **kws)[source]

Convert all beam states of results generated by run() method to be BeamState object.

reslist of tuple

List of propagation results.

list of tuple

Tuple of (r, s), where r is list of results at each monitor points, s is BeamState object after the last monitor point.

flame_utils.io.output.collect_data(result, *args, **kws)[source]

Collect data of interest from propagation results.

result :

Propagation results with BeamState object.

args :

Names of attribute, separated by comma.


Dict of {k1:v1, k2,v2...}, keys are from keyword parameters.

See also


FLAME beam state class for MomentMatrix simulation type.


  1. Set the data of interest with k=True as input will return the defined k value.

  2. Invalid attribute names will be ignored.


>>> # get x0 and y0 array
>>> collect_data(r, x0=True, y0=True)
>>> # which is equivalent as:
>>> collect_data(r, 'x0', 'y0')
>>> # or:
>>> collect_data(r, 'x0', y0=True)