Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""FLAME lattice operations.

import flame
import numpy as np
import sys

import logging

from flame_utils.core import get_all_names
from flame_utils.core import generate_source

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def generate_latfile(machine, latfile=None, state=None, original=None, out=None, start=None, end=None): """Generate lattice file for the usage of FLAME code. Parameters ---------- machine : FLAME machine object. latfile : File name for generated lattice file. original : File name for original lattice file to keep user comments and indents. (optional) state : BeamState object, accept FLAME internal State object also. (optional) out : New stream paramter, file stream. (optional) start : Start element (id or name) of generated lattice. (optional) end : End element (id or name) of generated lattice. (optional) Returns ------- filename : str None if failed to generate lattice file, or the out file name. Examples -------- >>> from flame import Machine >>> latfile = '' >>> m = Machine(open(latfile)) >>> outfile1 = generate_latfile(m, latfile='') >>> m.reconfigure(80, {'theta_x': 0.1}) >>> outfile2 = generate_latfile(m, latfile='') >>> # recommand new way >>> fout = open('', 'w') >>> generate_latfile(m, out=fout) Notes ----- - If *latfile* and *out* are not defined, will print all output to screen; - If *latfile* and *out* are all defined, *out* stream is preferred; - For other cases, choose one that is defined. - If *start* is defined, user should define *state* also. - If user define *start* only, the initial beam state is the same as the *machine*. - Parameter *out* can also be ``StringIO``, and get string by ``getvalue()``. - To get element configuration only by ``m.conf(i)`` method, where ``m`` is ``flame.Machine`` object, ``i`` is element index, when some re-configuring operation is done, ``m.conf(i)`` will be update, but ``m.conf()["elements"]`` remains with the initial values. """ m = machine try: mconf = m.conf() except: _LOGGER.error("Failed to load FLAME machine object.") return None try: mconf_ks = list(mconf.keys()) [mconf_ks.remove(i) for i in ['elements', 'name'] if i in mconf_ks] mc_src = m.conf(m.find(type='source')[0]) # initial beam condition from input if state is not None: mc_src = generate_source(state, sconf={'index':0, 'properties':mc_src})['properties'] except: _LOGGER.error("Failed to load initial beam state.") return None if not isinstance(original, str): try: lines = [] for k in mconf_ks: v = mc_src[k] if k in mc_src else mconf[k] if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = v.tolist() if isinstance(v, str): v = '"{0}"'.format(v) line = '{k} = {v};'.format(k=k, v=v) lines.append(line) mconfe = mconf['elements'] elem_num = len(mconfe) if start is None: start = 1 elif isinstance(start, str): start = m.find(name=start)[0] else : start = int(start) if start != 1 and state is None: _LOGGER.warning("Initial beam state is missing. Use original initial beam state.") if end is None: end = elem_num elif isinstance(end, str): end = m.find(name=end)[0] + 1 else : end = int(end) + 1 section = [0] + list(range(start,end)) # element configuration elem_name_list = [] for i in section: elem_i = m.conf(i) ename, etype = elem_i['name'], elem_i['type'] if ename in elem_name_list: continue elem_name_list.append(ename) ki = elem_i.keys() elem_k = set(ki).difference(mc_src.keys()) if etype == 'source': elem_k.add('vector_variable') elem_k.add('matrix_variable') if etype == 'stripper': elem_k.add('IonChargeStates') elem_k.add('NCharge') p = [] for k, v in sorted(elem_i.items()): if k in elem_k and k not in ['name', 'type']: if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = v.tolist() if isinstance(v, str): v = '"{0}"'.format(v) p.append('{k} = {v}'.format(k=k, v=v)) pline = ', '.join(p) line = '{n}: {t}, {p}'.format(n=ename, t=etype, p=pline) line = line.strip(', ') + ';' lines.append(line) dline = '(' + ', '.join(([m.conf(i)['name'] for i in section])) + ')' blname = mconf.get('name', 'default') lines.append('{0}: LINE = {1};'.format(blname, dline)) lines.append('USE: {0};'.format(blname)) except: _LOGGER.error("Failed to generate lattice file.") return None else: try: names = get_all_names(_machine=m) with open(original, 'r') as f: fline = f.readlines() def gps(l): ret = {} for k in ['#', ': ', ';', '=', ',']: ret[k] = l.find(k) if ret['#'] == -1: ret['#'] = len(l) return ret lines = [] n = 0 while n < len(fline): l = fline[n] rl = l.replace(' ', '') l = l.rstrip() if rl == '\n' or rl[0] == '#': lines.append(l) n += 1 else: p = gps(l) nl = None if (p['='] != -1 and p['='] < p['#']) and \ (p[': '] == -1 or (p['='] < p[': '] < p['#'])): bp = l[0:p['=']].replace(' ', '') if bp in mc_src: if bp == 'Eng_Data_Dir': nl = l[0:-1] elif mc_src['vector_variable'] == bp[0:-1]: nl = bp + ' = ' + str(mc_src[bp].tolist()) elif mc_src['matrix_variable'] == bp[0:-1]: nl = bp + ' = [\n' kk = 0 for i in range(7): nl += ' ' for j in range(7): nl += str(mc_src[bp][kk]) + ', ' kk += 1 nl += '\n' nl = nl[0:-3] nl += ']' else: v = mc_src[bp] if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = str(v.tolist()) elif isinstance(v, str): v = '"' + str(v) + '"' else: v = str(v) nl = bp + ' = ' + v elif p[': '] != -1 and p[': '] < p['#']: name = l[0:p[': ']].replace(' ', '') if name in names: c = m.conf(m.find(name=name)[0]) nl = c['name'] + ': ' + c['type'] keys = set(c.keys()).difference(mc_src.keys()) if c['type'] == 'source': keys.add('vector_variable') keys.add('matrix_variable') if c['type'] == 'stripper': keys.add('IonChargeStates') keys.add('NCharge') for k in sorted(keys): v = c[k] if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = str(v.tolist()) elif isinstance(v, str): v = '"' + str(v) + '"' else: v = str(v) nl += ', ' + k + ' = ' + v if nl is None: lines.append(l) else: lines.append(nl + '; ' + l[p['#']:]) if p[';'] == -1: flg = 1 while flg: n += 1 if n < len(fline): tl = fline[n] tp = gps(tl) if tp[';'] != -1 and tp[';'] < tp['#'] : flg = 0 else: flg = 0 n += 1 except: _LOGGER.error("Failed to generate lattice file with original file.") return None all_lines = '\n'.join(lines) try: if latfile is None and out is None: sout = sys.stdout print(all_lines, file=sout) retval = elif out is None: with open(latfile, 'wb') as sout: sout.write(all_lines.encode()) retval = else: sout = out print(all_lines, file=sout) retval = 'string' except: _LOGGER.error("Failed to write to %s" % latfile) return None return retval