#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Output from FLAME.
import numpy as np
from flame_utils.core import BeamState
[docs]def convert_results(res, **kws):
"""Convert all beam states of results generated by :func:`run()` method
to be ``BeamState`` object.
res : list of tuple
List of propagation results.
list of tuple
Tuple of ``(r, s)``, where ``r`` is list of results at each monitor
points, ``s`` is ``BeamState`` object after the last monitor point.
return [(i, BeamState(s)) for (i, s) in res]
[docs]def collect_data(result, *args, **kws):
"""Collect data of interest from propagation results.
result :
Propagation results with ``BeamState`` object.
args :
Names of attribute, separated by comma.
Keyword Arguments
pos : float
Longitudinally propagating position, [m].
ref_beta : float
Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of reference charge
state, Lorentz beta.
ref_bg : float
Multiplication of beta and gamma of reference charge state.
ref_gamma : float
Relativistic energy of reference charge state, Lorentz gamma.
ref_IonEk : float
Kinetic energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].
ref_IonEs : float
Rest energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].
ref_IonQ : int
Macro particle number of reference charge state.
ref_IonW : float
Total energy of reference charge state, [eV/u],
i.e. :math:`W = E_s + E_k`.
ref_IonZ : float
Reference charge to mass ratio, e.g.
:math:`^{33^{+}}_{238}U: Q[33]/A[238]`.
ref_phis : float
Absolute synchrotron phase of reference charge state, [rad].
ref_SampleIonK : float
Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of reference charge
beta : Array
Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of all charge states,
Lorentz beta.
bg : Array
Multiplication of beta and gamma of all charge states.
gamma : Array
Relativistic energy of all charge states, Lorentz gamma.
IonEk : Array
Kinetic energy of all charge states, [eV/u].
IonEs : Array
Rest energy of all charge states, [eV/u].
IonQ : Array
Macro particle number of all charge states.
IonW : Array
Total energy of all charge states, [eV/u], i.e. :math:`W = E_s + E_k`.
IonZ : Array
All charge to mass ratios
phis : Array
Absolute synchrotron phase of all charge states, [rad]
SampleIonK : Array
Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of all charge
x0_env, xcen : float
Weight average of all charge states for x', [rad].
y0_env, ycen : float
Weight average of all charge states for y, [mm].
xp0_env, xpcen : float
Weight average of all charge states for x', [rad].
yp0_env, ypcen : float
Weight average of all charge states for y', [rad].
phi0_env, phicen, zcen: float
Weight average of all charge states for :math:`\phi`, [rad].
dEk0_env, dEkcen, zpcen : float
Weight average of all charge states for :math:`\delta E_k`, [MeV/u].
x0, xcen_all : Array
X centroid for all charge states, [mm].
y0, ycen_all : Array
Y centroid for all charge states, [mm].
xp0, xpcen_all : Array
X centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].
yp0, ypcen_all : Array
Y centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].
phi0, phicen_all, zcen_all : Array
Longitudinal beam length, measured in RF frequency for all charge
states, [rad].
dEk0, dEkcen_all, zpcen_all : Array
Kinetic energy deviation w.r.t. reference charge state, for all charge
states, [MeV/u].
x0_rms, xrms : float
General rms beam envelope for x, [mm].
y0_rms, yrms : float
General rms beam envelope for y, [mm].
xp0_rms, xprms : float
General rms beam envelope for x', [rad].
yp0_rms, yprms : float
General rms beam envelope for y', [rad].
phi0_rms, phirms, zrms : float
General rms beam envelope for :math:`\phi`, [rad].
dEk0_rms, dEkrms, zprms : float
General rms beam envelope for :math:`\delta E_k`, [MeV/u].
xrms_all : Array
General rms beam envelope for x of all charge states, [mm].
yrms_all : Array
General rms beam envelope for y of all charge states, [mm].
xprms_all : Array
General rms beam envelope for x' of all charge states, [rad].
yprms_all : Array
General rms beam envelope for y' of all charge states, [rad].
phirms_all : Array
General rms beam envelope for :math:`\phi` of all charge states, [rad].
dEkrms_all : Array
General rms beam envelope for :math:`\delta E_k` of all charge states, [MeV/u].
moment0_env, cenvector : Array
Weight average of centroid for all charge states, array of
``[x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1]``, with the units of
``[mm, rad, mm, rad, rad, MeV/u, 1]``.
moment0, cenvector_all : Array
Centroid for all charge states, array of ``[x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1]``.
moment0_rms, rmsvector : Array
RMS beam envelope, part of statistical results from ``moment1``.
moment1, beammatrix_all : Array
Covariance matrices of all charge states, for each charge state.
moment1_env, beammatrix : Array
Covariance matrices of all charge states, average over all charge states.
xemittance, xeps : float
Weight average of geometrical x emittance, [mm-mrad].
yemittance, yeps : float
Weight average of geometrical y emittance, [mm-mrad].
zemittance, zeps : float
Weight average of geometrical z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].
xnemittance, xepsn : float
Weight average of normalized x emittance, [mm-mrad].
ynemittance, yepsn : float
Weight average of normalized y emittance, [mm-mrad].
znemittance, zepsn : float
Weight average of normalized z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].
xemittance_all, xeps_all : Array
Geometrical x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
yemittance_all, yeps_all : Array
Geometrical y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
zemittance_all, zeps_all : Array
Geometrical z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].
xnemittance_all, xepsn_all : Array
Normalized x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
ynemittance_all, yepsn_all : Array
Normalized y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
znemittance_all, zepsn_all : Array
Normalized z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].
xtwiss_beta, xtwsb : float
Weight average of twiss beta x, [m/rad].
ytwiss_beta, ytwsb : float
Weight average of twiss beta y, [m/rad].
ztwiss_beta, ztwsb : float
Weight average of twiss beta z, [rad/MeV/u].
xtwiss_alpha, xtwsa : float
Weight average of twiss alpha x, [1].
ytwiss_alpha, ytwsa : float
Weight average of twiss alpha y, [1].
ztwiss_alpha, ztwsa : float
Weight average of twiss alpha z, [1].
xtwiss_beta_all, xtwsb_all : Array
Twiss beta x of all charge states, [m/rad].
ytwiss_beta_all, ytwsb_all : Array
Twiss beta y of all charge states, [m/rad].
ztwiss_beta_all, ztwsb_all : Array
Twiss beta z of all charge states, [rad/MeV/u].
xtwiss_alpha_all, xtwsa_all : Array
Twiss alpha x of all charge states, [1].
ytwiss_alpha_all, ytwsa_all : Array
Twiss alpha y of all charge states, [1].
ztwiss_alpha_all, ztwsa_all : Array
Twiss alpha z of all charge states, [1].
couple_xy, cxy : float
Weigth average of normalized x-y coupling term, [1].
couple_xpy, cxpy : float
Weigth average of normalized xp-y coupling term, [1].
couple_xyp, cxyp : float
Weigth average of normalized x-yp coupling term, [1].
couple_xpyp, cxpyp : float
Weigth average of normalized xp-yp coupling term, [1].
couple_xy_all, cxy_all : Array
Normalized x-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].
couple_xpy_all, cxpy_all : Array
Normalized xp-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].
couple_xyp_all, cxyp_all : Array
Normalized x-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].
couple_xpyp_all, cxpyp_all : Array
Normalized xp-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].
Dict of ``{k1:v1, k2,v2...}``, keys are from keyword parameters.
1. Set the data of interest with ``k=True`` as input will return the defined
``k`` value.
2. Invalid attribute names will be ignored.
>>> # get x0 and y0 array
>>> collect_data(r, x0=True, y0=True)
>>> # which is equivalent as:
>>> collect_data(r, 'x0', 'y0')
>>> # or:
>>> collect_data(r, 'x0', y0=True)
See Also
BeamState : FLAME beam state class for ``MomentMatrix`` simulation type.
valid_keys = [k for k in set(args).union(kws)
if hasattr(BeamState(result[0][1]), k)]
return {ik: np.array([getattr(s, ik) for (i, s) in result]) for ik in valid_keys}
result = convert_results(result)
return {ik: np.array([getattr(s, ik) for (i, s) in result]) for ik in valid_keys}