flame_utils.viz package


flame_utils.viz.plotlat module

This module provides lattice picture from FLAME lattice file(.lat) or FLAME Machine object.

flame_utils.viz.plotlat.hplot(*args, **kws)[source]

Plot beam state history with input arguments.


FLAME machine or ModelFlame object.

result :

List of beam state, generated by Machine.propagete() or ModelFlame.run() method.


Beam state attributes to plot, seprated by comma. (see Note)


Color definition of each args.


Plot lattice layout.


Plot legend of args


Index of the charge state to plot.


List of supported BeamState arguments


Longitudinally propagating position, [m].


Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of reference charge state, Lorentz beta.


Multiplication of beta and gamma of reference charge state.


Relativistic energy of reference charge state, Lorentz gamma.


Kinetic energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].


Rest energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].


Macro particle number of reference charge state.


Total energy of reference charge state, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).


Reference charge to mass ratio, e.g. \(^{33^{+}}_{238}U: Q[33]/A[238]\).


Absolute synchrotron phase of reference charge state, [rad].


Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of reference charge state.


Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of all charge states, Lorentz beta.


Multiplication of beta and gamma of all charge states.


Relativistic energy of all charge states, Lorentz gamma.


Kinetic energy of all charge states, [eV/u].


Rest energy of all charge states, [eV/u].


Macro particle number of all charge states.


Total energy of all charge states, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).


All charge to mass ratios


Absolute synchrotron phase of all charge states, [rad]


Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of all charge states.

x0_env, xcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].

y0_env, ycenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for y, [mm].

xp0_env, xpcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].

yp0_env, ypcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for y’, [rad].

phi0_env, phicen, zcen: float

Weight average of all charge states for \(\phi\), [rad].

dEk0_env, dEkcen, zpcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].

x0, xcen_allArray

X centroid for all charge states, [mm].

y0, ycen_allArray

Y centroid for all charge states, [mm].

xp0, xpcen_allArray

X centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].

yp0, ypcen_allArray

Y centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].

phi0, phicen_all, zcen_allArray

Longitudinal beam length, measured in RF frequency for all charge states, [rad].

dEk0, dEkcen_all, zpcen_allArray

Kinetic energy deviation w.r.t. reference charge state, for all charge states, [MeV/u].

x0_rms, xrmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for x, [mm].

y0_rms, yrmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for y, [mm].

xp0_rms, xprmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for x’, [rad].

yp0_rms, yprmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for y’, [rad].

phi0_rms, phirms, zrmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\), [rad].

dEk0_rms, dEkrms, zprmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].


General rms beam envelope for x of all charge states, [mm].


General rms beam envelope for y of all charge states, [mm].


General rms beam envelope for x’ of all charge states, [rad].


General rms beam envelope for y’ of all charge states, [rad].


General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\) of all charge states, [rad].


General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\) of all charge states, [MeV/u].

moment0_env, cenvectorArray

Weight average of centroid for all charge states, array of [x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1], with the units of [mm, rad, mm, rad, rad, MeV/u, 1].

moment0, cenvector_allArray

Centroid for all charge states, array of [x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1].

moment0_rms, rmsvectorArray

RMS beam envelope, part of statistical results from moment1.

moment1, beammatrix_allArray

Covariance matrices of all charge states, for each charge state.

moment1_env, beammatrixArray

Covariance matrices of all charge states, average over all charge states.

xemittance, xepsfloat

Weight average of geometrical x emittance, [mm-mrad].

yemittance, yepsfloat

Weight average of geometrical y emittance, [mm-mrad].

zemittance, zepsfloat

Weight average of geometrical z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].

xnemittance, xepsnfloat

Weight average of normalized x emittance, [mm-mrad].

ynemittance, yepsnfloat

Weight average of normalized y emittance, [mm-mrad].

znemittance, zepsnfloat

Weight average of normalized z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].

xemittance_all, xeps_allArray

Geometrical x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

yemittance_all, yeps_allArray

Geometrical y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

zemittance_all, zeps_allArray

Geometrical z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].

xnemittance_all, xepsn_allArray

Normalized x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

ynemittance_all, yepsn_allArray

Normalized y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

znemittance_all, zepsn_allArray

Normalized z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].

xtwiss_beta, xtwsbfloat

Weight average of twiss beta x, [m/rad].

ytwiss_beta, ytwsbfloat

Weight average of twiss beta y, [m/rad].

ztwiss_beta, ztwsbfloat

Weight average of twiss beta z, [rad/MeV/u].

xtwiss_alpha, xtwsafloat

Weight average of twiss alpha x, [1].

ytwiss_alpha, ytwsafloat

Weight average of twiss alpha y, [1].

ztwiss_alpha, ztwsafloat

Weight average of twiss alpha z, [1].

xtwiss_beta_all, xtwsb_allArray

Twiss beta x of all charge states, [m/rad].

ytwiss_beta_all, ytwsb_allArray

Twiss beta y of all charge states, [m/rad].

ztwiss_beta_all, ztwsb_allArray

Twiss beta z of all charge states, [rad/MeV/u].

xtwiss_alpha_all, xtwsa_allArray

Twiss alpha x of all charge states, [1].

ytwiss_alpha_all, ytwsa_allArray

Twiss alpha y of all charge states, [1].

ztwiss_alpha_all, ztwsa_allArray

Twiss alpha z of all charge states, [1].

couple_xy, cxyfloat

Weigth average of normalized x-y coupling term, [1].

couple_xpy, cxpyfloat

Weigth average of normalized xp-y coupling term, [1].

couple_xyp, cxypfloat

Weigth average of normalized x-yp coupling term, [1].

couple_xpyp, cxpypfloat

Weigth average of normalized xp-yp coupling term, [1].

couple_xy_all, cxy_allArray

Normalized x-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].

couple_xpy_all, cxpy_allArray

Normalized xp-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].

couple_xyp_all, cxyp_allArray

Normalized x-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].

couple_xpyp_all, cxpyp_allArray

Normalized xp-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].


>>> fm = ModelFlame(lat_file = 'userfile.lat')
>>> hplot('xrms', 'yrms', machine=fm)
class flame_utils.viz.plotlat.PlotLat(source, output=None, auto_scaling=False, starting_offset=0.0, **kws)[source]

Bases: object

Lattice picture class from FLAME lattice file or FLAME Machine object.

sourcestr or callable

File path of the lattic file (str) or FLAME Machine object (callable)

outputstr (None), optional

Output file name. If defined, the lattice plot is generated automatically.

auto_scalingbool (True), optional

Flag for y-axis scaling by strength of the optical elements

starting_offsetfloat (0.0), optional

Position offset of starting point in the lattice file


Element type list of the lattice. Each element type contains on-off ‘flag’, plotting ‘color’, and y-axis ‘scale’.

generate(start=None, end=None, xlim=None, ycen=0.0, yscl=1.0, aspect=5.0, legend=True, option=True, axes=None)[source]

Generate matplotlib Axes class object from lattice file.


Index of the lattice start.


Index of the lattice end.

xlimlist[2], optinal

Plot range of the lattice.

ycenfloat (0.0)

Vertical offset of the plot.

ysclfloat (1.0)

Plot scale of the element size

aspectfloat (5.0), optional

Aspect ratio of the picture.


Add legend for the elements.


Add optional setting for the plot.


Axes class object of matplotlib.


Total length of the lattice.

output(window=True, fname=None, **kws)[source]

Output the lattice picture to window and/or file.

windowbool (True)

Output flag to the window.

fnamestr, optional

File path of the output picutre.

**kwargs :

The same kwargs as pyplot.savefig() are available.

Module contents

class flame_utils.viz.PlotLat(source, output=None, auto_scaling=False, starting_offset=0.0, **kws)[source]

Bases: object

Lattice picture class from FLAME lattice file or FLAME Machine object.

sourcestr or callable

File path of the lattic file (str) or FLAME Machine object (callable)

outputstr (None), optional

Output file name. If defined, the lattice plot is generated automatically.

auto_scalingbool (True), optional

Flag for y-axis scaling by strength of the optical elements

starting_offsetfloat (0.0), optional

Position offset of starting point in the lattice file


Element type list of the lattice. Each element type contains on-off ‘flag’, plotting ‘color’, and y-axis ‘scale’.

generate(start=None, end=None, xlim=None, ycen=0.0, yscl=1.0, aspect=5.0, legend=True, option=True, axes=None)[source]

Generate matplotlib Axes class object from lattice file.


Index of the lattice start.


Index of the lattice end.

xlimlist[2], optinal

Plot range of the lattice.

ycenfloat (0.0)

Vertical offset of the plot.

ysclfloat (1.0)

Plot scale of the element size

aspectfloat (5.0), optional

Aspect ratio of the picture.


Add legend for the elements.


Add optional setting for the plot.


Axes class object of matplotlib.


Total length of the lattice.

output(window=True, fname=None, **kws)[source]

Output the lattice picture to window and/or file.

windowbool (True)

Output flag to the window.

fnamestr, optional

File path of the output picutre.

**kwargs :

The same kwargs as pyplot.savefig() are available.

flame_utils.viz.hplot(*args, **kws)[source]

Plot beam state history with input arguments.


FLAME machine or ModelFlame object.

result :

List of beam state, generated by Machine.propagete() or ModelFlame.run() method.


Beam state attributes to plot, seprated by comma. (see Note)


Color definition of each args.


Plot lattice layout.


Plot legend of args


Index of the charge state to plot.


List of supported BeamState arguments


Longitudinally propagating position, [m].


Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of reference charge state, Lorentz beta.


Multiplication of beta and gamma of reference charge state.


Relativistic energy of reference charge state, Lorentz gamma.


Kinetic energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].


Rest energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].


Macro particle number of reference charge state.


Total energy of reference charge state, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).


Reference charge to mass ratio, e.g. \(^{33^{+}}_{238}U: Q[33]/A[238]\).


Absolute synchrotron phase of reference charge state, [rad].


Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of reference charge state.


Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of all charge states, Lorentz beta.


Multiplication of beta and gamma of all charge states.


Relativistic energy of all charge states, Lorentz gamma.


Kinetic energy of all charge states, [eV/u].


Rest energy of all charge states, [eV/u].


Macro particle number of all charge states.


Total energy of all charge states, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).


All charge to mass ratios


Absolute synchrotron phase of all charge states, [rad]


Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of all charge states.

x0_env, xcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].

y0_env, ycenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for y, [mm].

xp0_env, xpcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].

yp0_env, ypcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for y’, [rad].

phi0_env, phicen, zcen: float

Weight average of all charge states for \(\phi\), [rad].

dEk0_env, dEkcen, zpcenfloat

Weight average of all charge states for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].

x0, xcen_allArray

X centroid for all charge states, [mm].

y0, ycen_allArray

Y centroid for all charge states, [mm].

xp0, xpcen_allArray

X centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].

yp0, ypcen_allArray

Y centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].

phi0, phicen_all, zcen_allArray

Longitudinal beam length, measured in RF frequency for all charge states, [rad].

dEk0, dEkcen_all, zpcen_allArray

Kinetic energy deviation w.r.t. reference charge state, for all charge states, [MeV/u].

x0_rms, xrmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for x, [mm].

y0_rms, yrmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for y, [mm].

xp0_rms, xprmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for x’, [rad].

yp0_rms, yprmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for y’, [rad].

phi0_rms, phirms, zrmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\), [rad].

dEk0_rms, dEkrms, zprmsfloat

General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].


General rms beam envelope for x of all charge states, [mm].


General rms beam envelope for y of all charge states, [mm].


General rms beam envelope for x’ of all charge states, [rad].


General rms beam envelope for y’ of all charge states, [rad].


General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\) of all charge states, [rad].


General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\) of all charge states, [MeV/u].

moment0_env, cenvectorArray

Weight average of centroid for all charge states, array of [x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1], with the units of [mm, rad, mm, rad, rad, MeV/u, 1].

moment0, cenvector_allArray

Centroid for all charge states, array of [x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1].

moment0_rms, rmsvectorArray

RMS beam envelope, part of statistical results from moment1.

moment1, beammatrix_allArray

Covariance matrices of all charge states, for each charge state.

moment1_env, beammatrixArray

Covariance matrices of all charge states, average over all charge states.

xemittance, xepsfloat

Weight average of geometrical x emittance, [mm-mrad].

yemittance, yepsfloat

Weight average of geometrical y emittance, [mm-mrad].

zemittance, zepsfloat

Weight average of geometrical z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].

xnemittance, xepsnfloat

Weight average of normalized x emittance, [mm-mrad].

ynemittance, yepsnfloat

Weight average of normalized y emittance, [mm-mrad].

znemittance, zepsnfloat

Weight average of normalized z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].

xemittance_all, xeps_allArray

Geometrical x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

yemittance_all, yeps_allArray

Geometrical y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

zemittance_all, zeps_allArray

Geometrical z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].

xnemittance_all, xepsn_allArray

Normalized x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

ynemittance_all, yepsn_allArray

Normalized y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].

znemittance_all, zepsn_allArray

Normalized z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].

xtwiss_beta, xtwsbfloat

Weight average of twiss beta x, [m/rad].

ytwiss_beta, ytwsbfloat

Weight average of twiss beta y, [m/rad].

ztwiss_beta, ztwsbfloat

Weight average of twiss beta z, [rad/MeV/u].

xtwiss_alpha, xtwsafloat

Weight average of twiss alpha x, [1].

ytwiss_alpha, ytwsafloat

Weight average of twiss alpha y, [1].

ztwiss_alpha, ztwsafloat

Weight average of twiss alpha z, [1].

xtwiss_beta_all, xtwsb_allArray

Twiss beta x of all charge states, [m/rad].

ytwiss_beta_all, ytwsb_allArray

Twiss beta y of all charge states, [m/rad].

ztwiss_beta_all, ztwsb_allArray

Twiss beta z of all charge states, [rad/MeV/u].

xtwiss_alpha_all, xtwsa_allArray

Twiss alpha x of all charge states, [1].

ytwiss_alpha_all, ytwsa_allArray

Twiss alpha y of all charge states, [1].

ztwiss_alpha_all, ztwsa_allArray

Twiss alpha z of all charge states, [1].

couple_xy, cxyfloat

Weigth average of normalized x-y coupling term, [1].

couple_xpy, cxpyfloat

Weigth average of normalized xp-y coupling term, [1].

couple_xyp, cxypfloat

Weigth average of normalized x-yp coupling term, [1].

couple_xpyp, cxpypfloat

Weigth average of normalized xp-yp coupling term, [1].

couple_xy_all, cxy_allArray

Normalized x-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].

couple_xpy_all, cxpy_allArray

Normalized xp-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].

couple_xyp_all, cxyp_allArray

Normalized x-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].

couple_xpyp_all, cxpyp_allArray

Normalized xp-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].


>>> fm = ModelFlame(lat_file = 'userfile.lat')
>>> hplot('xrms', 'yrms', machine=fm)