flame_utils.viz package
flame_utils.viz.plotlat module
This module provides lattice picture from FLAME lattice file(.lat) or FLAME Machine object.
- flame_utils.viz.plotlat.hplot(*args, **kws)[source]
Plot beam state history with input arguments.
- Parameters
- machineobject
FLAME machine or ModelFlame object.
- result :
List of beam state, generated by Machine.propagete() or ModelFlame.run() method.
- argsstr
Beam state attributes to plot, seprated by comma. (see Note)
- colorsdict
Color definition of each
.- latticebool
Plot lattice layout.
- legendbool
Plot legend of
- csint
Index of the charge state to plot.
List of supported
arguments- posfloat
Longitudinally propagating position, [m].
- ref_betafloat
Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of reference charge state, Lorentz beta.
- ref_bgfloat
Multiplication of beta and gamma of reference charge state.
- ref_gammafloat
Relativistic energy of reference charge state, Lorentz gamma.
- ref_IonEkfloat
Kinetic energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].
- ref_IonEsfloat
Rest energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].
- ref_IonQint
Macro particle number of reference charge state.
- ref_IonWfloat
Total energy of reference charge state, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).
- ref_IonZfloat
Reference charge to mass ratio, e.g. \(^{33^{+}}_{238}U: Q[33]/A[238]\).
- ref_phisfloat
Absolute synchrotron phase of reference charge state, [rad].
- ref_SampleIonKfloat
Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of reference charge state.
- betaArray
Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of all charge states, Lorentz beta.
- bgArray
Multiplication of beta and gamma of all charge states.
- gammaArray
Relativistic energy of all charge states, Lorentz gamma.
- IonEkArray
Kinetic energy of all charge states, [eV/u].
- IonEsArray
Rest energy of all charge states, [eV/u].
- IonQArray
Macro particle number of all charge states.
- IonWArray
Total energy of all charge states, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).
- IonZArray
All charge to mass ratios
- phisArray
Absolute synchrotron phase of all charge states, [rad]
- SampleIonKArray
Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of all charge states.
- x0_env, xcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].
- y0_env, ycenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for y, [mm].
- xp0_env, xpcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].
- yp0_env, ypcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for y’, [rad].
- phi0_env, phicen, zcen: float
Weight average of all charge states for \(\phi\), [rad].
- dEk0_env, dEkcen, zpcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].
- x0, xcen_allArray
X centroid for all charge states, [mm].
- y0, ycen_allArray
Y centroid for all charge states, [mm].
- xp0, xpcen_allArray
X centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].
- yp0, ypcen_allArray
Y centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].
- phi0, phicen_all, zcen_allArray
Longitudinal beam length, measured in RF frequency for all charge states, [rad].
- dEk0, dEkcen_all, zpcen_allArray
Kinetic energy deviation w.r.t. reference charge state, for all charge states, [MeV/u].
- x0_rms, xrmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for x, [mm].
- y0_rms, yrmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for y, [mm].
- xp0_rms, xprmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for x’, [rad].
- yp0_rms, yprmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for y’, [rad].
- phi0_rms, phirms, zrmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\), [rad].
- dEk0_rms, dEkrms, zprmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].
- xrms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for x of all charge states, [mm].
- yrms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for y of all charge states, [mm].
- xprms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for x’ of all charge states, [rad].
- yprms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for y’ of all charge states, [rad].
- phirms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\) of all charge states, [rad].
- dEkrms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\) of all charge states, [MeV/u].
- moment0_env, cenvectorArray
Weight average of centroid for all charge states, array of
[x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1]
, with the units of[mm, rad, mm, rad, rad, MeV/u, 1]
.- moment0, cenvector_allArray
Centroid for all charge states, array of
[x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1]
.- moment0_rms, rmsvectorArray
RMS beam envelope, part of statistical results from
.- moment1, beammatrix_allArray
Covariance matrices of all charge states, for each charge state.
- moment1_env, beammatrixArray
Covariance matrices of all charge states, average over all charge states.
- xemittance, xepsfloat
Weight average of geometrical x emittance, [mm-mrad].
- yemittance, yepsfloat
Weight average of geometrical y emittance, [mm-mrad].
- zemittance, zepsfloat
Weight average of geometrical z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].
- xnemittance, xepsnfloat
Weight average of normalized x emittance, [mm-mrad].
- ynemittance, yepsnfloat
Weight average of normalized y emittance, [mm-mrad].
- znemittance, zepsnfloat
Weight average of normalized z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].
- xemittance_all, xeps_allArray
Geometrical x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- yemittance_all, yeps_allArray
Geometrical y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- zemittance_all, zeps_allArray
Geometrical z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].
- xnemittance_all, xepsn_allArray
Normalized x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- ynemittance_all, yepsn_allArray
Normalized y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- znemittance_all, zepsn_allArray
Normalized z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].
- xtwiss_beta, xtwsbfloat
Weight average of twiss beta x, [m/rad].
- ytwiss_beta, ytwsbfloat
Weight average of twiss beta y, [m/rad].
- ztwiss_beta, ztwsbfloat
Weight average of twiss beta z, [rad/MeV/u].
- xtwiss_alpha, xtwsafloat
Weight average of twiss alpha x, [1].
- ytwiss_alpha, ytwsafloat
Weight average of twiss alpha y, [1].
- ztwiss_alpha, ztwsafloat
Weight average of twiss alpha z, [1].
- xtwiss_beta_all, xtwsb_allArray
Twiss beta x of all charge states, [m/rad].
- ytwiss_beta_all, ytwsb_allArray
Twiss beta y of all charge states, [m/rad].
- ztwiss_beta_all, ztwsb_allArray
Twiss beta z of all charge states, [rad/MeV/u].
- xtwiss_alpha_all, xtwsa_allArray
Twiss alpha x of all charge states, [1].
- ytwiss_alpha_all, ytwsa_allArray
Twiss alpha y of all charge states, [1].
- ztwiss_alpha_all, ztwsa_allArray
Twiss alpha z of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xy, cxyfloat
Weigth average of normalized x-y coupling term, [1].
- couple_xpy, cxpyfloat
Weigth average of normalized xp-y coupling term, [1].
- couple_xyp, cxypfloat
Weigth average of normalized x-yp coupling term, [1].
- couple_xpyp, cxpypfloat
Weigth average of normalized xp-yp coupling term, [1].
- couple_xy_all, cxy_allArray
Normalized x-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xpy_all, cxpy_allArray
Normalized xp-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xyp_all, cxyp_allArray
Normalized x-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xpyp_all, cxpyp_allArray
Normalized xp-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].
>>> fm = ModelFlame(lat_file = 'userfile.lat') >>> hplot('xrms', 'yrms', machine=fm)
- class flame_utils.viz.plotlat.PlotLat(source, output=None, auto_scaling=False, starting_offset=0.0, **kws)[source]
Lattice picture class from FLAME lattice file or FLAME Machine object.
- Parameters
- sourcestr or callable
File path of the lattic file (str) or FLAME Machine object (callable)
- outputstr (None), optional
Output file name. If defined, the lattice plot is generated automatically.
- auto_scalingbool (True), optional
Flag for y-axis scaling by strength of the optical elements
- starting_offsetfloat (0.0), optional
Position offset of starting point in the lattice file
- Attributes
- typesdict
Element type list of the lattice. Each element type contains on-off ‘flag’, plotting ‘color’, and y-axis ‘scale’.
- generate(start=None, end=None, xlim=None, ycen=0.0, yscl=1.0, aspect=5.0, legend=True, option=True, axes=None)[source]
Generate matplotlib Axes class object from lattice file.
- Parameters
- startint
Index of the lattice start.
- endint
Index of the lattice end.
- xlimlist[2], optinal
Plot range of the lattice.
- ycenfloat (0.0)
Vertical offset of the plot.
- ysclfloat (1.0)
Plot scale of the element size
- aspectfloat (5.0), optional
Aspect ratio of the picture.
- legendbool
Add legend for the elements.
- optionbool
Add optional setting for the plot.
- Attributes
- axescallable
Axes class object of matplotlib.
- total_lengthfloat
Total length of the lattice.
Module contents
- class flame_utils.viz.PlotLat(source, output=None, auto_scaling=False, starting_offset=0.0, **kws)[source]
Lattice picture class from FLAME lattice file or FLAME Machine object.
- Parameters
- sourcestr or callable
File path of the lattic file (str) or FLAME Machine object (callable)
- outputstr (None), optional
Output file name. If defined, the lattice plot is generated automatically.
- auto_scalingbool (True), optional
Flag for y-axis scaling by strength of the optical elements
- starting_offsetfloat (0.0), optional
Position offset of starting point in the lattice file
- Attributes
- typesdict
Element type list of the lattice. Each element type contains on-off ‘flag’, plotting ‘color’, and y-axis ‘scale’.
- generate(start=None, end=None, xlim=None, ycen=0.0, yscl=1.0, aspect=5.0, legend=True, option=True, axes=None)[source]
Generate matplotlib Axes class object from lattice file.
- Parameters
- startint
Index of the lattice start.
- endint
Index of the lattice end.
- xlimlist[2], optinal
Plot range of the lattice.
- ycenfloat (0.0)
Vertical offset of the plot.
- ysclfloat (1.0)
Plot scale of the element size
- aspectfloat (5.0), optional
Aspect ratio of the picture.
- legendbool
Add legend for the elements.
- optionbool
Add optional setting for the plot.
- Attributes
- axescallable
Axes class object of matplotlib.
- total_lengthfloat
Total length of the lattice.
- flame_utils.viz.hplot(*args, **kws)[source]
Plot beam state history with input arguments.
- Parameters
- machineobject
FLAME machine or ModelFlame object.
- result :
List of beam state, generated by Machine.propagete() or ModelFlame.run() method.
- argsstr
Beam state attributes to plot, seprated by comma. (see Note)
- colorsdict
Color definition of each
.- latticebool
Plot lattice layout.
- legendbool
Plot legend of
- csint
Index of the charge state to plot.
List of supported
arguments- posfloat
Longitudinally propagating position, [m].
- ref_betafloat
Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of reference charge state, Lorentz beta.
- ref_bgfloat
Multiplication of beta and gamma of reference charge state.
- ref_gammafloat
Relativistic energy of reference charge state, Lorentz gamma.
- ref_IonEkfloat
Kinetic energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].
- ref_IonEsfloat
Rest energy of reference charge state, [eV/u].
- ref_IonQint
Macro particle number of reference charge state.
- ref_IonWfloat
Total energy of reference charge state, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).
- ref_IonZfloat
Reference charge to mass ratio, e.g. \(^{33^{+}}_{238}U: Q[33]/A[238]\).
- ref_phisfloat
Absolute synchrotron phase of reference charge state, [rad].
- ref_SampleIonKfloat
Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of reference charge state.
- betaArray
Speed in the unit of light velocity in vacuum of all charge states, Lorentz beta.
- bgArray
Multiplication of beta and gamma of all charge states.
- gammaArray
Relativistic energy of all charge states, Lorentz gamma.
- IonEkArray
Kinetic energy of all charge states, [eV/u].
- IonEsArray
Rest energy of all charge states, [eV/u].
- IonQArray
Macro particle number of all charge states.
- IonWArray
Total energy of all charge states, [eV/u], i.e. \(W = E_s + E_k\).
- IonZArray
All charge to mass ratios
- phisArray
Absolute synchrotron phase of all charge states, [rad]
- SampleIonKArray
Wave-vector in cavities with different beta values of all charge states.
- x0_env, xcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].
- y0_env, ycenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for y, [mm].
- xp0_env, xpcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for x’, [rad].
- yp0_env, ypcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for y’, [rad].
- phi0_env, phicen, zcen: float
Weight average of all charge states for \(\phi\), [rad].
- dEk0_env, dEkcen, zpcenfloat
Weight average of all charge states for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].
- x0, xcen_allArray
X centroid for all charge states, [mm].
- y0, ycen_allArray
Y centroid for all charge states, [mm].
- xp0, xpcen_allArray
X centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].
- yp0, ypcen_allArray
Y centroid divergence for all charge states, [rad].
- phi0, phicen_all, zcen_allArray
Longitudinal beam length, measured in RF frequency for all charge states, [rad].
- dEk0, dEkcen_all, zpcen_allArray
Kinetic energy deviation w.r.t. reference charge state, for all charge states, [MeV/u].
- x0_rms, xrmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for x, [mm].
- y0_rms, yrmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for y, [mm].
- xp0_rms, xprmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for x’, [rad].
- yp0_rms, yprmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for y’, [rad].
- phi0_rms, phirms, zrmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\), [rad].
- dEk0_rms, dEkrms, zprmsfloat
General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\), [MeV/u].
- xrms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for x of all charge states, [mm].
- yrms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for y of all charge states, [mm].
- xprms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for x’ of all charge states, [rad].
- yprms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for y’ of all charge states, [rad].
- phirms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for \(\phi\) of all charge states, [rad].
- dEkrms_allArray
General rms beam envelope for \(\delta E_k\) of all charge states, [MeV/u].
- moment0_env, cenvectorArray
Weight average of centroid for all charge states, array of
[x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1]
, with the units of[mm, rad, mm, rad, rad, MeV/u, 1]
.- moment0, cenvector_allArray
Centroid for all charge states, array of
[x, x', y, y', phi, dEk, 1]
.- moment0_rms, rmsvectorArray
RMS beam envelope, part of statistical results from
.- moment1, beammatrix_allArray
Covariance matrices of all charge states, for each charge state.
- moment1_env, beammatrixArray
Covariance matrices of all charge states, average over all charge states.
- xemittance, xepsfloat
Weight average of geometrical x emittance, [mm-mrad].
- yemittance, yepsfloat
Weight average of geometrical y emittance, [mm-mrad].
- zemittance, zepsfloat
Weight average of geometrical z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].
- xnemittance, xepsnfloat
Weight average of normalized x emittance, [mm-mrad].
- ynemittance, yepsnfloat
Weight average of normalized y emittance, [mm-mrad].
- znemittance, zepsnfloat
Weight average of normalized z emittance, [rad-MeV/u].
- xemittance_all, xeps_allArray
Geometrical x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- yemittance_all, yeps_allArray
Geometrical y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- zemittance_all, zeps_allArray
Geometrical z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].
- xnemittance_all, xepsn_allArray
Normalized x emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- ynemittance_all, yepsn_allArray
Normalized y emittance of all charge states, [mm-mrad].
- znemittance_all, zepsn_allArray
Normalized z emittance of all charge states, [rad-MeV/u].
- xtwiss_beta, xtwsbfloat
Weight average of twiss beta x, [m/rad].
- ytwiss_beta, ytwsbfloat
Weight average of twiss beta y, [m/rad].
- ztwiss_beta, ztwsbfloat
Weight average of twiss beta z, [rad/MeV/u].
- xtwiss_alpha, xtwsafloat
Weight average of twiss alpha x, [1].
- ytwiss_alpha, ytwsafloat
Weight average of twiss alpha y, [1].
- ztwiss_alpha, ztwsafloat
Weight average of twiss alpha z, [1].
- xtwiss_beta_all, xtwsb_allArray
Twiss beta x of all charge states, [m/rad].
- ytwiss_beta_all, ytwsb_allArray
Twiss beta y of all charge states, [m/rad].
- ztwiss_beta_all, ztwsb_allArray
Twiss beta z of all charge states, [rad/MeV/u].
- xtwiss_alpha_all, xtwsa_allArray
Twiss alpha x of all charge states, [1].
- ytwiss_alpha_all, ytwsa_allArray
Twiss alpha y of all charge states, [1].
- ztwiss_alpha_all, ztwsa_allArray
Twiss alpha z of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xy, cxyfloat
Weigth average of normalized x-y coupling term, [1].
- couple_xpy, cxpyfloat
Weigth average of normalized xp-y coupling term, [1].
- couple_xyp, cxypfloat
Weigth average of normalized x-yp coupling term, [1].
- couple_xpyp, cxpypfloat
Weigth average of normalized xp-yp coupling term, [1].
- couple_xy_all, cxy_allArray
Normalized x-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xpy_all, cxpy_allArray
Normalized xp-y coupling term of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xyp_all, cxyp_allArray
Normalized x-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].
- couple_xpyp_all, cxpyp_allArray
Normalized xp-yp coupling term of all charge states, [1].
>>> fm = ModelFlame(lat_file = 'userfile.lat') >>> hplot('xrms', 'yrms', machine=fm)