Source code for flame_utils.misc.listset

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def _flatten(nnn):
    """ flatten recursively defined list or tuple

    :param nnn: recursively defined list or tuple
    :return: a generator object


    >>> l0 = [1,2,3,[4,5],[6,[7,8,[9,10,['x',['y']]]]]]
    >>> l1 = list(_flatten(l0))
    >>> print(l1)
    for nn in nnn:
        if isinstance(nn, (list, tuple)):
            for n in flatten(nn):
                yield (n)
            yield (nn)

[docs]def flatten(nnn): """ flatten recursively defined list or tuple :param nnn: recursively defined list or tuple :return: flattened list :Example: >>> l0 = [1,2,3,[4,5],[6,[7,8,[9,10,['x',['y']]]]]] >>> l1 = flatten(l0) >>> print(l1) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,'x','y'] """ return list(_flatten(nnn))
[docs]def get_intersection(**kws): """Get the intersection of all input keyword parameters, ignore empty list or tuple. Returns ------- res : list Examples -------- >>> a, b, c = [], [], [] >>> print(get_intersection(a=a,b=b,c=c)) [] >>> a, b, c = [1], [2], [] >>> print(get_intersection(a=a,b=b,c=c)) [] >>> a, b, c = [1,2], [2], [] >>> print(get_intersection(a=a,b=b,c=c)) [2] >>> a, b, c = [1,2], [2], [2,3] >>> print(get_intersection(a=a,b=b,c=c)) [2] >>> a, b, c = [1,2], [3,4], [2,3] >>> print(get_intersection(a=a,b=b,c=c)) [] """ s = set() for k in kws: v = kws.get(k, []) if s == set() or v == []: s = s.union(v) else: s = s.intersection(v) return list(s)