Source code for flame_utils.core.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Simulation/modeling with FLAME.

import flame
from flame import Machine

from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import logging

from flame_utils.misc import is_zeros_states
from flame_utils.misc import machine_setter
from flame_utils.misc import conf_update
from import collect_data
from import convert_results
from import generate_latfile

from .element import get_all_names
from .element import get_all_types
from .element import get_element
from .element import get_index_by_name
from .element import get_index_by_type
from .element import inspect_lattice
from .element import insert_element
from .state import BeamState

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelFlame(object): """General FLAME modeling class. Class attributes: .. autosummary :: latfile machine bmstate Class methods .. autosummary :: generate_latfile find reconfigure run collect_data insert_element get_element configure get_all_types get_all_names get_index_by_type get_index_by_name get_transfer_matrix convert_results inspect_lattice clone_machine Parameters ---------- lat_file : str FLAME lattice file, if not set, None. Examples -------- >>> from flame import Machine >>> from flame_utlis import ModelFlame >>> >>> latfile = "lattice/" >>> fm1 = ModelFlame() >>> # manually initialization >>> fm1.latfile = latfile >>> m = Machine(latfile) >>> fm1.machine = m >>> fm1.bmstate = m.allocState({}) >>> # or by explicitly calling: >>> fm1.machine, fm1.bmstate = fm1.init_machine(latfile) >>> >>> # initialize with valid lattice file >>> fm2 = ModelFlame(lat_file=latfile) >>> >>> # (Recommanded) initialize with BeamState >>> fm = ModelFlame() >>> bs = BeamState(machine=m) >>> # now the attributes of ms could be arbitarily altered >>> fm.bmstate = bs >>> fm.machine = m >>> >>> # run fm >>> obs = fm.get_index_by_type(type='bpm')['bpm'] >>> r, s = >>> >>> # get result, storing as a dict, e.g. data >>> data = fm.collect_data(r, pos=True, x0=True, y0=True) See Also -------- BeamState : FLAME beam state class for ``MomentMatrix`` simulation type. """ def __init__(self, lat_file=None, **kws): self._lat_file = lat_file self._mach_ins, self._mach_states = self.init_machine(lat_file) @property def latfile(self): """str: FLAME lattice file name.""" return self._lat_file @latfile.setter def latfile(self, fn): self._lat_file = fn @property def machine(self): """FLAME machine object.""" return self._mach_ins @machine.setter def machine(self, m): self._mach_ins = m if self._mach_states is None: self._mach_states = m.allocState({}) @property def bmstate(self): """Initial beam condtion for the simulation. BeamState: Could be initialized with FLAME internal state or BeamState object. See Also -------- BeamState : FLAME beam state class created for ``MomentMatrix``. """ if self._mach_states is None: return None else: return BeamState(self._mach_states) @bmstate.setter def bmstate(self, s): if isinstance(s, flame._internal.State): self._mach_states = s.clone() elif isinstance(s, BeamState): self._mach_states = s.clone().state
[docs] @staticmethod def init_machine(latfile): """Initialize FLAME machine. Parameters ---------- latfile : FLAME lattice file. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of ``(m, s)``, where ``m`` is FLAME machine instance, and ``s`` is initial machine states. """ try: with open(latfile, 'rb') as f: m = Machine(f) s = m.allocState({}) m.propagate(s, 0, 1)"ModelFlame: Initialization succeeded.") return m, s except Exception as err: _LOGGER.error(err) _LOGGER.warning( "ModelFlame: Lattice file is not valid, do it manually.") return None, None
[docs] def find(self, *args, **kws): """Find element indexs. Parameters ---------- type : str or list of str Single element type name or list[tuple] of element type names. Returns ------- list Dict, key is type name, value if indice list of each type name, list, of indices list, with the order of type. See Also -------- get_index_by_type : Get element(s) index by type(s). """ return self._mach_ins.find(*args, **kws)
[docs] def get_element(self, name=None, index=None, type=None, **kws): """Element inspection, get properties. Returns ------- list of dict List of dict of properties or empty list. See Also -------- get_element : Get element from FLAME machine object. """ elem_list = get_element(_machine=self._mach_ins, name=name, index=index, type=type, **kws) return elem_list
[docs] def inspect_lattice(self): """Inspect FLAME machine and print out information. See Also -------- inspect_lattice : Inspect FLAME lattice file, print a brief report. """ inspect_lattice(_machine=self._mach_ins)
[docs] def get_all_types(self): """Get all uniqe element types. Returns ------- list of str List of element type names See Also -------- get_all_types : Get all unique types from a FLAME machine. """ return get_all_types(_machine=self._mach_ins)
[docs] def get_all_names(self): """Get all uniqe element names. Returns ------- list of str List of element names. See Also -------- get_all_names : Get all uniqe names from a FLAME machine. """ return get_all_names(_machine=self._mach_ins)
[docs] def get_index_by_type(self, type='', rtype='dict'): """Get element(s) index by type(s). Parameters ---------- type : str or list of str Single element type name or list[tuple] of element type names. rtype : str Return type, 'dict' (default) or 'list'. Returns ------- dict or list Dict, key is type name, value if indice list of each type name, list, of indices list, with the order of type. See Also -------- get_index_by_type : Get element(s) index by type(s). """ return get_index_by_type(type=type, rtype=rtype, _machine=self._mach_ins)
[docs] def get_index_by_name(self, name='', rtype='dict'): """Get index(s) by name(s). Parameters ---------- name : list or tuple of str Single element name or list[tuple] of element names. rtype : str Return type, 'dict' (default) or 'list'. Returns ------- dict or list Dict of element indices, key is name, value is index, list of element indices list. See Also -------- get_index_by_name : Get index(s) by element name(s). """ return get_index_by_name(name=name, _machine=self._mach_ins, rtype=rtype)
[docs] def run(self, bmstate=None, from_element=None, to_element=None, monitor=None, include_initial_state=True): """Simulate model. Parameters ---------- bmstate : FLAME beam state object, also could be :class:`BeamState` object, if not set, will use the one from ``ModelFlame`` object itself, usually is created at the initialization stage, see :func:`init_machine()`. from_element : int or str Element index or name of start point, if not set, will be the first element (0 for zero states, or 1). to_element : int or str Element index or name of end point, if not set, will be the last element. monitor : list[int] or list[str] or 'all' List of element indice or names selected as states monitors, if set -1, will be a list of only last element. if set 'all', will be a list of all elements. include_initial_state : bool Include initial beam state to the list of the results if `monitor` contains the initial location (default is True). Returns ------- tuple Tuple of ``(r, s)``, where ``r`` is list of results at each monitor points, ``s`` is ``BeamState`` object after the last monitor point. Notes ----- This method does not change the input *bmstate*, while ``propagate`` changes. See Also -------- BeamState : FLAME BeamState class created for ``MomentMatrix`` type. propagate : Propagate ``BeamState`` object for FLAME machine object. """ m = self._mach_ins if isinstance(from_element, str): eid = m.find(from_element) if len(eid) == 0: _LOGGER.error(from_element + ' does not found.') from_element = min(eid) if isinstance(to_element, str): eid = m.find(to_element) if len(eid) == 0: _LOGGER.error(to_element + ' does not found.') to_element = min(eid) if bmstate is None: s = self.bmstate.clone() else: s = bmstate.clone() if is_zeros_states(s): vstart = 0 if from_element is None else from_element else: vstart = 1 if from_element is None else from_element vend = len(m) - 1 if to_element is None else to_element vmax = vend - vstart + 1 obs = [] if monitor == -1: obs = [vend] elif monitor == 'all': obs = range(len(m)) elif monitor is not None: if isinstance(monitor, (int, str)): monitor = [monitor] for elem in monitor: if isinstance(elem, str): obs += self._mach_ins.find(name = elem) obs += self._mach_ins.find(type = elem) else: obs.append(int(elem)) if isinstance(s, BeamState): if bmstate is None and vstart > 1: r, s = propagate(m, s, from_element=1, to_element= vstart-1) s0 = s.clone() r, s = propagate(m, s, from_element=vstart, to_element=vend, monitor=obs) else: if bmstate is None and vstart > 1: r, s = m.propagate(s, start=1, max= vstart-1) s0 = s.clone() r = m.propagate(s, start=vstart, max=vmax, observe=obs) if include_initial_state and vstart != 0 and (vstart-1) in obs: r0 = [(vstart-1, s0)] else: r0 = [] r = self.convert_results(r0+r) return r, s
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_results(res, **kws): """Convert all beam states of results generated by :func:`run()` method to be ``BeamState`` object. Parameters ---------- res : list of tuple List of propagation results. Returns ------- list of tuple Tuple of ``(r, s)``, where ``r`` is list of results at each monitor points, ``s`` is ``BeamState`` object after the last monitor point. """ return convert_results(res, **kws)
[docs] @staticmethod def collect_data(result, *args, **kws): """Collect data of interest from propagation results. Parameters ---------- result : Propagation results with ``BeamState`` object. args : Names of attribute, separated by comma. Returns ------- dict Dict of ``{k1:v1, k2,v2...}``, keys are from keyword parameters. See Also -------- collect_data : Get data of interest from results. """ return collect_data(result, *args, **kws)
[docs] def configure(self, econf): """Configure FLAME model. Parameters ---------- econf : (list of) dict Element configuration(s), see :func:`get_element`. Pass single element dict for source configuration. See Also -------- configure : Configure FLAME machine. get_element : Get FLAME lattice element configuration. Notes ----- Pass `econf` with a list of dict for applying batch configuring. This method is not meant for reconfigure source. """ m = configure(self._mach_ins, econf) if isinstance(econf, dict): # update source as well if the econf is for source element, # i.e. element with index of 0. if econf['properties']['type'] == 'source': # self.machine.propagate(self.bmstate.state, 0, 1) zero_s = self.machine.allocState({}) _, self.bmstate =, to_element=0, bmstate=zero_s)
[docs] def reconfigure(self, index, properties): """Reconfigure FLAME model. Parameters ---------- index : int or str Element index (or name) to reconfigure. properties : dict Element property to reconfigure. Examples -------- >>> # Set gradient of 'quad1' to 0.245 >>> fm.reconfigure('quad1', {'B2': 0.245}) See Also -------- configure : Configure FLAME machine. get_element : Get FLAME lattice element configuration. """ if not isinstance(index, (list, tuple)): index = [index] idx = [] for elem in index: if isinstance(elem, str): idx += self._mach_ins.find(name = elem) idx += self._mach_ins.find(type = elem) else: idx.append(int(elem)) for i in idx: m = configure(self._mach_ins, c_idx = i, c_dict = properties)
[docs] def clone_machine(self): """Clone FLAME Machine object. Returns ------- Machine FLAME Machine object. """ return conf_update(self._mach_ins)
[docs] def insert_element(self, index=None, element=None, econf=None): """Insert new element to the machine. Parameters ---------- econf : dict Element configuration (see :func:`get_element`). index : int or str Insert element before the index (or element name). element : dict Lattice element dictionary. Notes ----- User must input 'econf' or 'index and element'. If econf is defined, insert econf['properties'] element before econf['index']. """ if econf is None: new_m = insert_element(self._mach_ins, index, element) else: new_m = insert_element(self._mach_ins, econf['index'], econf['properties']) if new_m is not None: self._mach_ins = new_m
[docs] def generate_latfile(self, latfile=None, original=None, state=None, **kws): """Generate lattice file for the usage of FLAME code. Parameters ---------- latfile : File name for generated lattice file. original : File name for original lattice file to keep user comments and indents. (optional) state : BeamState object, accept FLAME internal State object also. (optional) out : New stream paramter, file stream. (optional) start : Start element (id or name) of generated lattice. (optional) end : End element (id or name) of generated lattice. (optional) Returns ------- str Generated filename, None if failed to generate lattice file. Notes ----- - If *latfile* is not defined, will overwrite the input lattice file; - If *start* is defined, user should define *state* also. - If user define *start* only, the initial beam state is the same as the *machine*. """ if latfile is None: latfile = self._lat_file if original is None: original = self._lat_file if state is None: state = self.bmstate return generate_latfile(self._mach_ins, state=state, latfile=latfile, original=original, **kws)
[docs] def get_transfer_matrix(self, from_element=None, to_element=None, charge_state_index=0): """Calculate the complete transfer matrix from one element (*from_element*) to another (*to_element*). Parameters ---------- from_element : int or str Element index or name of start point, if not set, will be the first element (0 for zero states, or 1). to_element : int or str Element index or name of end point, if not set, will be the last element. charge_state_index : int Index of charge state. Returns ------- 2D array Transfer matrix. """ r, s =, monitor=range(from_element, to_element + 1)) cs = charge_state_index matrice = reversed([i.transfer_matrix[:, :, cs] for _, i in r[1:]]) return reduce(, matrice)
[docs]def propagate(machine=None, bmstate=None, from_element=None, to_element=None, monitor=None, **kws): """Propagate ``BeamState``. Parameters ---------- machine : FLAME machine object. bmstate : BeamState object. from_element : int Element index of start point, if not set, will be the first element. to_element : int Element index of end point, if not set, will be the last element. monitor : list List of element indice selected as states monitors, if set -1, will be a list of only last element. Keyword Arguments ----------------- latfile : str FLAME lattice file. Returns ------- tuple None if failed, else tuple of ``(r, bs)``, where ``r`` is list of results at each monitor points, ``bs`` is ``BeamState`` object after the last monitor point. See Also -------- BeamState : FLAME beam state class created for ``MomentMatrix`` type. """ _latfile = kws.get('latfile', None) _machine = machine _m = machine_setter(_latfile, _machine, 'propagate') if _m is None: return None if bmstate is None: bs = BeamState(_m.allocState({})) else: bs = bmstate vstart = 0 if from_element is None else from_element vend = len(_m) - 1 if to_element is None else to_element obs = [vend] if monitor == -1 else monitor vmax = vend - vstart + 1 s = bs.state r = _m.propagate(s, start=vstart, max=vmax, observe=obs) bs.state = s return r, bs
[docs]def configure(machine=None, econf=None, **kws): """Configure FLAME machine. Parameters ---------- machine : FLAME machine object. econf : (list of) dict Element configuration(s). Keyword Arguments ----------------- latfile : str FLAME lattice file. c_idx : int Element index. c_dict : dict Configuration dict. Returns ------- m : New FLAME machine object None if failed, else new machine object. Notes ----- If wanna configure FLAME machine by conventional way, then *c_idx* and *c_dict* could be used, e.g. reconfigure one corrector of ``m``: ``configure(machine=m, c_idx=10, c_dict={'theta_x': 0.001})`` which is just the same as: ``m.reconfigure(10, {'theta_x': 0.001})``. Examples -------- >>> from flame import Machine >>> from phantasy import flameutils >>> >>> latfile = '' >>> m = Machine(open(latfile, 'r')) >>> >>> # reconfigure one element >>> e1 = flameutils.get_element(_machine=m, index=1)[0] >>> print(e1) {'index': 1, 'properties': {'L': 0.072, 'aper': 0.02, 'name': 'LS1_CA01:GV_D1124', 'type': 'drift'}} >>> e1['properties']['aper'] = 0.04 >>> m = flameutils.configure(m, e1) >>> print(flameutils.get_element(_machine=m, index=1)[0]) {'index': 1, 'properties': {'L': 0.072, 'aper': 0.04, 'name': 'LS1_CA01:GV_D1124', 'type': 'drift'}} >>> >>> # reconfiugre more than one element >>> e_cor = flameutils.get_element(_machine=m, type='orbtrim') >>> # set all horizontal correctors with theta_x = 0.001 >>> for e in e_cor: >>> if 'theta_x' in e['properties']: >>> e['properties']['theta_x'] = 0.001 >>> m = flameutils.configure(m, e_cor) See Also -------- get_element : Get FLAME lattice element configuration. """ _latfile = kws.get('latfile', None) _machine = machine _m = machine_setter(_latfile, _machine, 'configure') if _m is None: return None _c_idx, _c_dict = kws.get('c_idx'), kws.get('c_dict') if _c_idx is not None and _c_dict is not None: _m.reconfigure(_c_idx, _c_dict) else: if not isinstance(econf, list): _m.reconfigure(econf['index'], econf['properties']) else: for e in econf: _m.reconfigure(e['index'], e['properties']) return _m